ABA Therapy is Helping Autistic Children of All Races in Philadelphia


ABA Therapy in New Jersey, short for applied behavior analysis, helps autistic children of all races and ethnicities in Philadelphia reach their full potential through targeted behavioral interventions, instruction, and learning opportunities. The results of early intervention can be astonishing. A study from ABA Therapy in Philadelphia showed that 91% of students with autism spectrum disorder who began treatment before age 4 had positive outcomes by age 10, compared to 43% of those who did not begin treatment until age 6 or older. According to one 2016 American Academy of Paediatrics study, early intervention using behavioral therapy significantly reduces the risk of developing autism later in life.


The need for diversity in healthcare

We don't want this public health issue to become a racial justice issue. The organization has recently offered free ABA therapy sessions in response to local needs following cuts to Medicaid funding, one of which is located right here in SE Philly. As long as children struggle with autism, there is still hope - it's not just a public health issue but also an opportunity for ethnic minorities to enter higher-paid careers as they strive to better support their families.

Why research and treatment need to reflect real life

When you hear about Autism in Philadelphia, it usually talks about white males and how the disorder affects them. What about girls? What about children of color? They are experiencing the same disability with the same severity, yet they are not accounted for. The Autism Clinic in Philadelphia, which is mostly funded by donations from people like you and me, needs to put more money into this issue because it does not just affect white boys. People who do not have a voice, are living in poverty and maybe don't speak English as well- these people may need our help but can't afford it or find information on it.

How behavioral therapy can help

Autism is a common condition. Many autistic children struggle with socializing and communicating with others, limiting themselves to repetitive routines and having difficulties focusing on tasks. ABA therapy can help such children overcome these limitations at Connect Plus Therapy. Behavioral therapy teaches skills like communication and socialization by following a set curriculum. This can be done through one-on-one therapy sessions or group lessons, which are more cost-effective for those with limited resources but still, want their child to get the attention they need from an ABA therapist.


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